Lydia joined us in October as the Director of Bookkeeping team. Today we are going to know more about her through the interview.

New joiner interview
Yvonne: Hi Lydia, we are really happy to have you joining us and it is very nice to conduct the talk with you today. Could you introduce a bit about yourself?
Lydia: My accounting journey started from Australia and have worked as an accounting professional in KPMG Australia and PWC China for 10 years. I like the feeling of being a reliable advisor to support business decisions.
Yvonne: Thank you. I think most of us are quite curious about your last working experience, the leader of a Big 4 accounting service team. With this background, did you find any difference or commons in the clients’ needs of your previous company comparing to our current clients?
Lydia: As all of our clients operate business in China which means the basic accounting and commercial rules to be followed are the same. In Big 4, most clients are big accounts across different regions but limited in one or two industries. While our current clients are more industries’ diversified and local market focused. During practical operations, they tend to be open to our suggestions and advice. I would say this makes it easier to build a long-term and trusting partnership for both sides.
Yvonne: I see. So from the expertise perspective, is there anything new that you think can bring into the service to our clients then?
Lydia: Yes. For the existing clients, I think we have done a great job in bookkeeping, compliance and process synergy with overseas parent companies. For a further step, I’m confident to bring more support in deeper data analytics. The financial advice and support may not only be limited to the existed data and an individual company but in conjunction with our industry observations.
Yvonne: Thank you Lydia. Last question. Any advice that you would like to give our clients?
Lydia: I would say keeping an open communication will help a lot. We would be very happy to share our insights into your business based on all the information you provide.
Yvonne: It is appreciated to have your input today. Thank you for your time!
How can we help you?
Yvonne Zhang