On 16 November, Gerald Neumann will share his opinion in the webinar themed in “Supply Chain Diversification in the Far East – Managing Risks in China and Seizing Opportunities in ASEAN Countries”.

What to expect in the webinar
Gerald will focus his topic on “Trends and case studies on tax practice in China”. And especially he will address the questions raised up by a majority of companies with Chinese subsidiaries – “Are there still tax incentives for foreign investments or foreign employees?” and “What is the current practice in tax offences?”
Besides Gerald’s part, the topic “Corporate De-risking in China” delivered by Dr. Jörg-Michael Scheil from SNB Law will give an overview of current legal risks, and topics of “investment in Vietnam and Thailand” will be introduced to enable a general understanding.
How to join the webinar
This is a half day webinar from 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
Please feel free to contact Gerald (gerald.neumann@cn.ebnerstolz.com) for more details if you are interested in the webinar.
How can we help you?
Dr. Gerald Neumann